Welcome to our dedicated Philippines page for all things ZenPad shopping. We will list current prices in ₱ Peso, available models to buy, accessories, release dates and pre order information.
Shop online at Lazada.com.phCurrent ZenPad Models Available To Buy:
ZenPad C 7.0 (Z170CG) 3G (phone calling capable) – ₱ 4,995.00
ZenPad 7.0 (Z370CG) 3G (phone calling capable) – ₱ 7,995.00
ZenPad S 8.0 (Z580CA) with Zen Clutch Case Accessory – ₱ 19,995.00
ZenPad 10 (Z300C) – ₱ 10,319.00
[Updated] Listings of Official Asus ZenPad Retailers In The Philippines:
For easy views, simply click on the first image below which will start a gallery and you can quickly view the details and retailers in the Philippines selling the ZenPad tablets.

Where i can buy the charging port of my asus zenpad 10 zd300cl p01t.
where can i buy zenpad 3s 10 (lte)?
To be honest, it’s a limited release. Asus is strongest in Asia so eBay is likely your best option.