iPad Mini 3 vs. ZenPad S 8.0 (Z580CA)

zenpad-s-vs-ipad-miniIt’s safe to say that a lot of the tech community is impressed with the unveiling of the ZenPad S 8.0. We feel that if the comparisons are starting already, then we better get on this right away. Please understand that we’re swamped with information right now so we will be adding and tweaking this posting in the coming days.

For now, the big comparison in this vs. battle is with the build or size.

ZenPad S 8.0 – 0.25-inches (6mm) thick vs iPad mini 3 – 0.29-inches (7.5mm) thick
ZenPad S 8.0 – 10.5oz (298g) thick vs iPad mini 3 – 11.6oz (331g)

In terms of thin and weight, Asus ZenPad S 8.0 has the iPad Mini 3 beat. We don’t need to know the price vs. because Asus will win that contest easily. Speakers? Front facing (ZenPad S) vs. side facing (iPad Mini 3). What speaker placement is the better one? We can’t yet speak to the quality of audio, but I don’t think there is a scenario where side facing speakers are preferred over front facing ones.

Storage wise, Apple and the iPad mini 3 offer up a 128GB model which is greater than the max 64GB storage for the ZenPad S 8.0 (Z580).

Screen resolution, we have a tie in a 1536 x 2048 spec comparison. Brightness wise? This should be a tie. Both are great displays, no question about it.

The camera comparison between the iPad mini 3 and ZenPad S 8.0 is interesting. Apple have been the leaders in mobile device photos. On the surface, you can expect Apple to take the win on this battle, but let’s think again. We certainly need some reviews and samples before making a final verdict. However in terms of just raw megapixel counts, the ZenPad has front facing 5MP whereas the iPad mini 3 has just a 1.2MP front facing camera. Video conferencing and Skype will be superior on the ZenPad with this spec. For the rear camera, the iPad mini sports a 5MP whereas the ZenPad S 8.0 has a 8MP rear camera. More megapixels doesn’t mean greater photos, but spec wise, Asus has Apple beat. Quality need to be evaluated at a later date.

Connectivity, the iPad mini 3 comes with a 4G LTE version whereas currently there is not a 4G or 3G ZenPad S model. Wifi spec comparison, the ZenPad S 8.0 (Z580CA) beats out the iPad mini 3 because of the ac standard. The iPad mini 3 has a/b/g/n but no ac.

Battery life? Apple and the iPads have been the kings of battery life. We can’t compare, but it’s safe to say that Apple will beat out the ZenPad S 8.0 in terms of battery life. It’s only a question of by how much.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 vs. ZenPad

We will be updating this vs. comparison in the coming days and weeks. We may have ZenPad information, but at this point there are only a few leaked images of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. Although those images are not official, they can be the basis of a preliminary comparison. We are just trying to get the ball rolling because when it comes to Android tablets, we feel that Asus vs. Samsung will become a lot more interesting.


We have 1 image each from the Tab S2 and the ZenPad 8 to go with. On that basis, the front facing speakers are the winner. We can say this regardless if we’ve heard the acutal quality or not. The Galaxy Tab S2 has the same style of dual speakers as seen in the iPhone 6+ at the bottom of the tablet. So ultimately it’s either front facing or it’s speakers on the side.


As we’ve already seen in the Samsung vs. Asus smartphone comparison, Asus is very price aware. In other words, expect the ZenPad to be a far more affordable tablet series than the new Galaxy Tab S2 series. Asus has stated on many occasions that they want Zen to mean great products at great prices.


When it comes to tablets, weight is a big factor in terms of comfort. It’s going to be exciting to see how the Tab S2 compares with the ZenPad 8 and ZenPad 10. Keep in mind that if you’re choosing a bumper case/cover it’s going to add weight. Choose accessories wisely!


If we just look at track record on smartphones, it’s pretty safe to say that Samsung Tab S2 will beat out the ZenPad tablets in terms of photo taking capabilities. We will wait to see, but it’s hard to imagine the ZenPad camera being better than what the Zenfone 2 can do.

Battery Life

This should be interesting. Based on history only, Samsung is likely to edge out the ZenPad 7,8 and 10. Perhaps that’s unfair to say at this point, but without having a chance to see and run various battery draining tests, it’s an educated guess at best.


How do you feel about the move to a 4:3 aspect ratio?

zenpad-8-tabletThe Nexus 9 broke the traditional mold for Android tablets and introduced an aspect ratio of 4:3. The Apple iPad has never done anything other than 4:3, so it’s not entirely surprising that the trend is for Android to do the same.

If you talk to most tech folks, the responses are very similar. When it comes to tablets, the 16:9, which has been a staple for Android tablets, is ideal for viewing movies. For pretty much every other use however, the 4:3 aspect ratio is superior. What took Android tablet makers so long? Hard to say.

I do believe that there will be no turning back for Asus and other Android tablet manufacturers. Apps will be optimized for the 4:3 aspect ratio and that should be the way moving forward.

So how do you feel about it? Is it a selling point that the ZenPads will be using 4:3 aspect ratios?

If you’re not sure what to think, just realize that when it comes to an ideal way to hold your ZenPad, portrait or landscape, it won’t matter nearly as much as it did when Asus tablets sported 16:9 aspect ratios. Movies may be your only real gripe, but even then, a black bar on top and bottom is not exactly intrusive.

ZenPad vs. iPad: Speakers

zenpad-speakersIn a versus face-off, let’s look at ZenPad speakers vs. iPad speakers. This series of posts will evolve with greatest testing, so consider this more of an overview. So for now, consider this a iPad mini or iPad Air 2 vs ZenPad 7, 8 or 10.

People use tablets largely for consuming media like video. In this sense, one of the biggest step forward for Asus is their implementation of front facing speakers. We’ve seen Asus FonePads feature front facing speakers, but the traditional MeMO Pads did not have front facing speakers. In fact, most tablet makers haven’t pulled it off. Now Asus has!

In a vs. battle for speaker supremacy, we would have to give it to Asus for the fact there are dual stereo front facing speakers. The shortcoming on the iPad series is their choice and location of speakers. It’s simply not ideal and appears more of a design compromise.

The Asus ZenPad series may be a trend setting regarding consumer expectation and speakers on a tablet. Front facing is where they need to be and it’s a big selling point as we see it.



My perfect tablet/phone combo device. Please make this Asus!

This ultimate device has already been made by Asus, so let me get that out of the way first. I currently own a Nexus 5. What I do feel is that I want something much bigger.

I’m a realist. I look at my device usage. How much time, percentage wise, do I use my Nexus 5 to talk on the phone vs. other uses? Furthermore, those other uses, how many of those could benefit or be far more user friendly if the screen had more real estate? How about most all of them! So regarding talk time, it’s very minimal indeed. I didn’t time myself. I just know that the vast vast majority of time is NOT using the phone part of the smartphone.

With this type of thinking, here is my situation. I’m sacrificing my enjoyment of my mobile companion device simply because of fear? That fear of holding a monstrosity of a device up to my ear? I’m not the kind of person to worry too much about that in all honesty. If I use the internet more than anything, then the device I choose should be ideal for that purpose.

More than just the decision about phone vs. tablet vs. both in one, there is one other feature that I want. I want to have a Note taking ability via a quality digitizer stylus pen. There is going to be a stylus revolution of sorts (I think so based on what Apple is rumored to be working on) and if anything, having pen input or drawing ability just makes a device more useful. Kids can enjoy it more. It can be used more for an educational tool also. Ridding the need for scratch paper in my life would be welcomed.

One problem with my grand plan? The availability of that type of device in my area of the world is pretty much non existent. Asus has released the FonePad Note in the past. I instead what an updated ZenPad C Note, or ZenPad Note in the 7-inch or 8-inch size. I think honestly that for portability, I would go for the 7-inch size.

At this point, I look consumers need a look inward. What do they use their devices for, 90% or more of the time? I bet some people are 95% or 98% of their time using their smartphones for everything other than phone calls. I simply need a tablet that can double as a phone. I want to see how it works out. I just want to see a Note ZenPad and additionally I want to see it released in the area of the world where I live.

Am I asking for too much or can Asus deliver my dream device?

Tablet forecast is not good – Can Asus break through with ZenPads?

When sales of the iPad are slumping, that’s is indicative of the tablet market as a whole. In dealing with less demand in fact, it’s part and parcel as to why Asus is launching the ZenPad line-up in the first place. It’s another reason why there won’t be quite as many models and there will be select countries rather than a massive amount of launch countries.

From recent reports, Apple has dropped 30% on year. Android tablets have seen about a 10% on year drop. There is however quite a bit of optimism for the 2-in-1 tablet/laptop devices. In that segment of the market, the new ZenPad S Transformer should do very well.

It’s hard to suggest a particular feature that can push the ZenPad tablets into a top 2 or 3 position globally. Price is a bit factor, but Asus has been able to maintain some of the best prices in Android tablets. A more premium look will help. Better build quality. The other features like 3G or 4G LTE, if priced low, can really be a game changer for Asus, especially in the North American market. Digitizer stylus input on various ZenPad models can also help bring a unique selling point to consumers.

We expect the ZenPad S to be the real run away winner for Asus. We’re not sure if it’s going to rock the world like the Transformer Infinity TF700 did, but it very well could. A refresh is in order and with the amount of tech news sites covering Computex, there should be a real shot of momentum.