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Price Comparison: Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 vs. Asus Z580CA

We’ve put forward a more detailed comparison vs. article between these two flagship tablets here. However, our original article was published prior to the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 official price unveiling. Believe us, this isn’t close, and that doesn’t even tell the whole story. $399 (Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0) vs. $299 (Asus ZenPad […]

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 vs Asus ZenPad S 8.0 (Z580CA)

We are going to have quite the tilt here. It’s flagship vs. flagship. A real head-to-head battle for Android tablet supremacy. We will go with rumored specs for the Galaxy S2 8.0 at this point, but we will also update as official details come out. What’s in a name you ask? Well just on the […]

Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 vs. ZenPad

We will be updating this vs. comparison in the coming days and weeks. We may have ZenPad information, but at this point there are only a few leaked images of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2. Although those images are not official, they can be the basis of a preliminary comparison. We are just trying to […]