India appears poised to get 4G LTE ZenPad 10 (Z300CL)

Clearly India is a big market for Asus if you look at the Zenfone smartphone, release events and recent comments from Asus executives. Although Asus recently announced the ZenPad 7.0 and ZenPad 8.0 at the ZenFestival in India, we’ve seen plenty of questions about the ZenPad S 8.0. No details yet that we’ve seen.

We have some news though for the India market. The 4G LTE version of the ZenPad 10 just showed up in the importer database. Now this is showing as a prototype tablet, but it does at least show some movement and possible pricing.

It’s listed in the database as having a value of Rs. 9,749. What makes this a unique listing is that it’s showing a Z3580 Intel processor which isn’t even listed on the official product page. Does this mean it won’t ever see the light of day?